Vision Care charity Optoversity challenge
Locumkit are proud to sponsor Vision Care for Homeless People for the Optoversity Challenge 2021. Optometry students are gearing up for Out of the Box Optoversity Challenge, when they will test their knowledge against others in the same year group across the UK at the online event: Sunday 21st March.
This popular annual challenge has already attracted entrants from all year groups with prizes generously donated by Keeler, Heine, Wolf Eyewear, Hoya, Lenstec, Norville, Topcon, Millmead, Alcon, Booth & Bruce, Kirk & Kirk, Jonny Goggles, ABDO, Scope and The Crazy Optom.
The exciting challenge has a strong charity element to it with funds raised each year for Vision Care for Homeless People, through student sponsorship. As teams have already signed up from Anglia, Aston, Bradford, Cardiff, City, Glasgow, Lancashire, Manchester, Plymouth, Ulster and UWE the charity hopes it will be a bumper year for fundraising. Several optical suppliers (Altacor, Haag Steit, Visufarma, Locumkit and Ibis Vision) are sponsoring the event with funds going directly to the charity.
Organised by Out Of The Box Optics this exciting event raised £5,500 for the charity last year and in 2019 the sum was £3,600.
Harinder Paul, VCHP Trustee, is encouraging everyone to become involved –
“It is an exciting day and we are looking to draw the whole optical community together. Our terrific supporters have put up some great prizes for the best students – equipment and wonderful sunglasses, particularly.”
The day’s challenges are likely to involve an ocular disease picture quiz, multiple choice questions, practical exams and anagrams to unscramble optical terminology. This year’s Zoom event starts at 10-11.30am for year one students; Year 2 from 12-1.30pm and years 3 and 4 from 2-3.30pm.
“Everyone learns a lot at this event – particularly working to a deadline. There is still nearly a month to go so any more teams are welcome and any business wanting to support with sponsorship should get in touch,” added Harinder. North London optom Karmelo Modina who created the event, in partnership with Gajan Singh, said “Optoversity has proved to be a fantastic way to bring together optometry students and to help prepare them for working life in the best way possible.”
Students can enter via the website and businesses that would like to sponsor the day please contact: [email protected]